
Everyone of our children have such a unique personality it is crazy, yet they are the same in so many ways. I am going to miss my twiners and Jaydn when they go to school this year. It will be very different to be home with one child. That hasn't happened in 4 years. I am really excited to have some fun adventures with Belly (as Kevin calls her). Kevin was practicing soccer with our kiddos and Ella wanted to join in. She was struggling to put the shin guards on and so I put the on her. Then she went hunting for the cleats and I helped her put them on two. She is not one to need help much. We call her our little survivor. Pretty independent too. Random thought but I love that when she naps she has to put the blanket over her head. She shuts the world out so she can get her rest. I feel like she is getting big tooo quickly.
So we like to try to give our kiddos some one on one time and we call the time a date. So when Kev or I need to run and errand then we choose one child according to their turn and take them with us. We try to make it special and allow the child to be involved. It gives us an opportunity to have time with just that individual child hopefully allowing them to realize they each have an important role in our family. Also that we value each of them in different ways. Coming from big families Kevin and I have felt how important the "Date" made us feel as children. Kevin's Parents did this in a sort of way and we loved the idea.
So here is Ella coming back from her first date with Dad.
Kevin bought her a bag of Orange slices and she came back with a mouth full also guarding them with her dear life. She did not want anyone to take them away from her. It was hilarious.

Here is Kevin trying to teach her how to share just one with each of her siblings. She was clearly not fond of the idea but eventually understood that she would still have some left so it was ok to share. Man I love this girl.


How sweet! I'm sure she loved her date with dad. That is a good tradition for your kids. And, she ain't no dummy, your Gabriella, knowing to guard her stash! I also heard about Kevin's new calling--congrats! ;-)

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