After Reno for a day we went to Pioneer, CA

Aunt Christy and Uncle Rob have a cabin in Pioneer California. So after spending some Q.T. with Bary and Amanda, we drove to Pioneer. No barfing again. Yippee for us. We got to play with cousins and go to the snow. It was a pretty fun relaxing weekend.
Ella's all bundled up. She loved to sled ride with Dad and mom down the hill. It was very cute when we took her down the hill she would giggle. There is something so rewarding about getting a giggle out of you little kiddos.

Jaydn was a pro sledder. He was even trying to hit the jump. Made it a couple of times. Once with the help of Dad giving him a huge push.

Madalyn was loving the sled rides with Braden (cousin). Braden is so helpful with our kids.

Cute little poser with boogies coming out of her nose.

Lunch time. We found the top of a picnic table. It was kind of cool. We sat on it and put our feet on the benches. The ground was covered with snow up to the benches. Pretty fun.

Jaydn, Olivia, and Dad went to the steep sledding area across the street to have some more thrilling fun.

Olivia is our brave little girl who loves to challenge most anything.


Mr. and Mrs. P said…
looks like you guys had a great time. snow trips are so much fun!

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