Mom and the Bowser girls!

Just a picture of the Bowser Girls. I just want my sisters to see how tan I am compared to all of them!
P.S. I am the whitest sister always because I do not have tanable skin!
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LaNell Brown said…
I am so excited that you guys have a blog yea!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Liz!! (and Kevin ;) I am so glad to see that you have started a blog! I would love to keep in touch with you!! And congratulations on expecting baby #4!! How exciting! When are you due? I hope you are feeling okay!
Feel free to check out our blog anytime!! It's:
Talk to you soon!
-Mia Cavaness
Karen said…
Biz, that is a way cute picture!!! I love it. i love you whole blog!
Yea for Liz and Kevin's blog! It's so fun to see your cute little family. I missed seeing you guys, sorry we couldn't meet up! But at least we ran into each other at the farmer's market! ;-)
robandsasha said…
Hi guys! Found your blog through Brack's. What a DARLING family you guys have! Congrats on Baby #4! WOW!! 3 is plenty for me! Good for you! Hope you are doing well, and really hope we can see you soon! Our blog is private, send me an email with your address and I'll send you the invite. Love you guys! Sash
robandsasha said…
oops! my email is :)

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