My cute little girlies are different now!

I took Olivia out on a date and asked her if she wanted to get her hair cut? She laughed at me and said, "No Mama." It was the cutest thing ever. What a joke that was to her. Just a few weeks later Madalyn asked if she could get her hair cut. Guess I asked the wrong twin. Madalyn liked the hair cut of a little girl named Alana in her preschool class. We put it off for about a month hoping she would forget. She has brought it up several times. So yesterday I ventured into cutting hair. I usually cut Jaydn and Kevin's hair but no long hair yet. It was harder then it may seem.

You can see why it was hard for me to cut her hair. Look how long a beautiful it is. This is the before shot.

Then I used these bad boys.

We cut a nine inch braid off of her hair. She absolutely loves it. Walking to take Jaydn to school this morning, she was shaking her hair from side to side. She is so cute.

Don't look too close. She has thicker hair then I realized.

Olivia is determined to keep her hair long. She loves her hair. Now you will be able to tell the difference between the twins from the front and back. Madalyn has short hair and Olivia has long hair. That was one of the first comments Olivia made, "Now people can tell us apart Mama."


LaNell Brown said…
I am impressed that you cut it. I think I would be too chicken. I also like that you let them be themselves. I have taught so many identical twins who are afraid to not be the same. Those two girlies have cheeks that I just want to squeeze. So cute.
Big Mama said…
Wow! Impressive! I've tried to cut my kids' hair, but I butchered it. So, I have to take them to someone. :-( Some people got it, while others don't. And you definitely got it! :-) Miss you guys!
Karen said…
So cute! You did a good job biz! Can you come cute Jessie's bangs? they are in her eyes and driving my crazy! :)
Carlson Clan said…
Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe you cut it! But I love it! So darn cute! It looks like you did a good job too! Maybe I'll send my girls over to get their haircuts haha j/k
jana said…
i love it too! and i love that they had different opinions on such a big thing. and please tell Lilly that aunt Jana is excited that she'll be able to tell them apart.
5fords said…
I love it! You did such a good job...lets see bows, watches, and now hair cuts, girl you be rakin' in the dough!
Yes, you are brave, I don't know if I would trust myself. Both girls look so cute.

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