Day Two
My blogging madness begins. I am going to try to keep up until I am caught up from the last several months. Today we will talk about baseball.
Jaydn's first year of baseball. Half of the kids on his team are in their third year of playing. Apparently before this league you can play two years of t-ball. He is doing pretty good for starting his first year in Farm league where you are pitched to by a machine. He has hit the ball every time he is up. It takes me back to my soft ball years. I remember being so afraid of the ball in my first years of softball. As time went by I got much better. I was definitely never the best on the team, but I could keep up. So to say the least I think Jaydn gets his natural talent for sports from his Dad. I will admit my siblings are very athletic as well somehow the natural talent skipped my direction. That has not stopped me though, in fact I am on an indoor soccer league with Women over 30. It is soooo fun and I am soooo glad I joined. I have never played soccer before so with the little athletic ability I do have I have learned how to play the sport and I am loving it. I have yet to score a goal but hope to before this season is over. Anyway here are some pictures of my cute little lefty playing baseball for the Devil Rays.