Went .to SCI convention in Reno
We went to visit Reno, NV for a day, mainly to see my brother Bear and sister-in-law Amanda. He was working at the SCI (Safari Club International) show. It is one of the biggest conventions for hunters in the US. He was selling hunting tours to Alaska. He has always been an avid hunter. Family and hunting are pretty much his life. So we took off Friday morning to Reno. In the words of Maddy, "We had a good trip no one barfed." That is soo true. We have a box of plastic baggies in our car for barfers. Every trip since Jaydn was a baby we have had a barfer. The drive to Reno was fairly pleasant. We had the opportunity to get into the show and see all of the amazing animals and the beautiful work that the taxidermist did.
Gabriella did not trust this animal enough to look at the camera. It was kind of cute.
It was like going to the zoo, just no fences and you could pet the animals. Take note of what the kids are wearing. Most of the women there were wearing some kind of real animal furs. I guess I dressed them appropriately. Every couple of steps people were oooing and ahhhing our kiddos. One grandmother asked if she could take a picture of the kids because she wanted to send it to her grand kids and let them know she was thinking of them. Kev and I thought that was pretty funny.
So the CRAZY part was when these three middle aged men came up to us and said, "We have been looking all over for you... we heard about the cute little girls wearing pink and black, we were wondering if your girls would be in a picture for an magazine article with Jim Shockey?" I looked at Kev and he was ok with it, so I said sure. Then I was not sure who this Jim Shockey was. I handed the camera to Kev and he did not hear me ask him to take a picture while I helped the girls pose in the picture. So of coarse no picture for us. Bummer! Well they had the girls hold a kids bow that was pink and black apparently they were giving it away. So I guess Jim Shockey is a celebrity in the Hunting world. He has 3 show on the Outdoor Channel. I was talking to his daughter Eva Shockey as her friend was holding Ella and playing with her. Eva told us that her dad Had 3 shows going. She was a super sweet girl. Kind of a fun situation. So long story short, their outfits may get them in a magazine.
It was really cool to see this elephant. I was a little sad watching how they kill them. I am not sure I am cut out for hunting. Maybe if I was sure to use the animal for food. The funny thing is, my brothers and Dad are or were all hunters. They all use the meat though. Maybe after they kill the Elephants they feed the village they took it from.
So the CRAZY part was when these three middle aged men came up to us and said, "We have been looking all over for you... we heard about the cute little girls wearing pink and black, we were wondering if your girls would be in a picture for an magazine article with Jim Shockey?" I looked at Kev and he was ok with it, so I said sure. Then I was not sure who this Jim Shockey was. I handed the camera to Kev and he did not hear me ask him to take a picture while I helped the girls pose in the picture. So of coarse no picture for us. Bummer! Well they had the girls hold a kids bow that was pink and black apparently they were giving it away. So I guess Jim Shockey is a celebrity in the Hunting world. He has 3 show on the Outdoor Channel. I was talking to his daughter Eva Shockey as her friend was holding Ella and playing with her. Eva told us that her dad Had 3 shows going. She was a super sweet girl. Kind of a fun situation. So long story short, their outfits may get them in a magazine.