
Showing posts from May, 2011

What is up with the weather?

So we all awoke from our nap to crashing thunder and lightning . It was pretty cool. As you can see we do not have thunderstorms here very often. So when we do it is something cool to watch. It started hailing and was pretty loud. FYI it was about 85-90 degrees here last week. Today the girls are all in sweaters for church. Our flower bed took a little bit of a beating. Hopefully the garden survived the hail storm. Yikes we may have to replant.

My cute little girlies are different now!

I took Olivia out on a date and asked her if she wanted to get her hair cut? She laughed at me and said, "No Mama." It was the cutest thing ever. What a joke that was to her. Just a few weeks later Madalyn asked if she could get her hair cut. Guess I asked the wrong twin. Madalyn liked the hair cut of a little girl named Alana in her preschool class. We put it off for about a month hoping she would forget. She has brought it up several times. So yesterday I ventured into cutting hair. I usually cut Jaydn and Kevin's hair but no long hair yet. It was harder then it may seem. You can see why it was hard for me to cut her hair. Look how long a beautiful it is. This is the before shot. Then I used these bad boys. We cut a nine inch braid off of her hair. She absolutely loves it. Walking to take Jaydn to school this morning, she was shaking her hair from side to side. She is so cute. Don't look too close. She has thicker hair then I realized. Olivia is determined to...

Potty training moment.

So on Tuesday afternoon I realized that I was having the missionaries over for dinner at 6 pm. By this time the kids were napping and it was near 1:00. I realized that I needed to go to the store to get some food for a nice dinner. Typically when I'm not caught up with my grocery shopping I would have just put something together real quick from the pantry. However I felt the missionaries deserved better. So I picked Jaydn up from school by 2:30 and ventured out to the grocery store with all 4 of my kiddos. Ella went potty right before we left so I figured I had about one hour until she needed to go again. Plenty of time to get the shopping I needed done for dinner and get back home. So we went to the bread store then went to Food Maxx . Of course you see a ton of people who you know when you are in a hurry and they all feel like it is catch up time at the store. I would think that just seeing a mom with 4 kids crawling in and out of the cart would be enough of a clue to keep it s...